Entertainment Mixup Rules & Introduction


Do you enjoy movies and TV?

Would you like to win a $25 Gift Card?

Well this may be your chance. IndieSpark is introducing a brand new feature to our site, called Entertainment Mixup. This new addition will allow you to put your knowledge to the test and possibly win a gift card each month. See below for full details and ways to play, enter, and win.

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How it works – Each week (sometimes everyday) we will post a screengrab from a famous movie or tv show on our Instagram and Facebook. Participants must identify the film/tv show it is from in their comments AND tag at least 3 other individuals in their post. You MUST follow the above rules, properly guessing the film/tv show AND tag at least 3 other individuals in your post in order to be eligible to win.

We will put ALL correct winners in a spreadsheet and randomly draw a number (entry) each time we do another post and will announce the winning entry when the new screengrab is posted. Each individual post winner will be placed in a monthly drawing and the winner of the gift card will be chosen each month.

Note*** – There will ONLY be one winner each month drawn, each daily/photo winner will give you an entry into the final monthly drawing, which is done at the end of the month.

You CAN only have ONE entry for each screengrab, but you CAN have multiple entries into the final drawing. So while you are only able to have ONE entry into each screengrab, if your name is drawn multiple different days, you will have multiple entries into the final drawing. So it is encouraged to participate each time you see a new screengrab!

The Catch? – All screengrabs will be mixed up and jumbled around to make them harder to identify.

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Good Luck and Have fun!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/officialentertainmentbuzz) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/entertainmentbuzzofficial/) as this is where the contest will be held.

** December will be a bit different as we will draw the monthly winner for December on the 20th, this could be an early Christmas present!

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