Laura Mustard – “Good Enough” – Press Release


Laura Mustard’s new EP, Dirty Minds & Wild Hearts, is a collection of six songs that detail a journey of dating with chronic illness in Laura’s chaotic twenties. These songs weave stories about finding first love that’s so innocent and carefree it feels “straight out of a country song”, jaded heartbreak, the furtive excitement of being with someone you shouldn’t, unrequited love for a friend that feels so comfortable, finally finding self-acceptance without a partner, and the rapture of finding a new love to share your favorite places with.

Laura is a pop/folk independent artist based in Nashville, TN. Born and raised in Connecticut, Laura spent her childhood navigating doctor’s offices and medical routines at home as a result of some birth defects and exciting food allergies. These challenges led to Laura’s habit of making up stories in her head as a type of escape, which later turned to songwriting in high school. Laura’s unique medical history also led to a search for self acceptance, an embrace of vulnerability, and a fierce belief in body positivity – which can be challenging to hold onto as one navigates searching for connection with a partner. These themes turn up frequently on Dirty Minds & Wild Hearts.

Her new single “Good Enough” is an anthem of self-acceptance. This song is upbeat and danceable, as fiddle, harmonica and mandolin play in and out. Laura describes her struggles with self-love as it relates to pressure to be performative on social media and growing up with medical issues that made her resent her reflection. The chorus offers a hopeful lift of intentionally changing self-talk and thoughts to help feel “good enough” about yourself. Laura shares, “It’s been said that ‘in a culture that profits off of our insecurities, loving yourself is a rebellious act’. I think anyone with insecurities in our culture (so everyone) probably struggles with feeling ‘enough’. For me, what helped the most was meditation to really get to know my thought patterns – this is what the bridge alludes to with the line ‘now we’re gonna sit down on the same ground and change the way we go around’. This was the first song I wrote after I moved to Nashville and it was exciting to feel this new confidence that came along with finally moving to my dream city for music. I tried to pair that confidence with being really intentional about my thoughts. I’m not perfect, I still have days when the ‘vicious whisper’ gets the best of me, but this song definitely helps and is a good reminder.”

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“Good Enough” was recorded at producer Wilson Hardwood’s Elevated Music Studio in East Nashville,
TN. This song features live piano played by Mustard and live fiddle, banjo, mandolin and drums with
talented Nashville session musicians. Laura explains,” This song was a party to make! We started with
upbeat piano chords and layered in groovy organ and bouncy guitar, reminiscent of a jam band. Then the
amazing Amelia Ransom came in and added a fiddle solo that sashays all over the final chorus, putting
the joy of true self-acceptance into a sound that matches perfectly with the lyrics.. It’s honestly one of my favorite moments on the EP and I’m so glad a song that celebrates ourselves being enough as we are
ends in such an enthusiastic way!”

Laura sums up her new EP by saying, “Dirty Minds & Wild Hearts tells the story of my not-so-stellar dating life in my 20s. I was balancing trying to be open and vulnerable while also developing self-acceptance around the ways my body works differently after being born with birth defects. I’m hoping that this struggle of insecurity vs honesty is something that others can relate to.” It will be available everywhere on February 9, 2024, and check out her new single “Good Enough” on your favorite streaming service by clicking one of the links below!

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