IndieSpark is excited to bring you the latest in our “In the Studio Interview” sessions. These sessions spotlight and feature both established and up-and-coming artist from around the world. So, lets jump right in.
We had the pleasure of sitting down with the talented Derek Randall band out of Nashville, TN. The band (minus their lead guitarist) sat down with IndieSpark’s host Samantha McCormick and talked about how they became a band, their creative process, music videos, music, history and future plans.

Make sure you go check out the full interview at the Official IndieSpark YouTube page (or click the image above) to see the full story and full interview. We will warn you, this was a great interview, full of a bunch of fun and off the wall non-sense!
In the mean time, make sure you check out everything Derek Randall has to offer on their social media profiles, which you can find below:
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